
In order to carry out all the projects that Kiwanis is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees..

Annual MeetingElect club officers for the coming club year.
Board of DirectorsBoard meetings are the 2nd Wednesday every month, starting at 5:30 PM. Contact Noel Granger.
ByLawsCommittee is to bring the Club Bylaws up to date.
Community ServicesProvides Funding to Community Initiatives that do not fall into Young Children Priority One or Youth Services Chairman Jerrod Ogden
Duck Race
Family Fun Day
Foundation Board
Foundation Scholarship CommitteeReview applicationas and select sholarship winner
Fund Raiser Committee
Memorial Day Parade
Past Presidents Ashcan MembersCurrent Ashcan Members
Public RelationsMedia relations
Scholarship Committee
Service Leadership (Sponsored Youth)
Taste of The North Country
Spirit in the Trees
Young Children Priority One
Youth ServicesFocus: Children ages 5 – 17